Help for SMEs to access EU finance

Horizon Europe has a particular focus on small businesses. Parts of the budget have 70%  allocated for SMEs. Successful, innovative SMEs play a critical role in developing a more competitive economy with higher employment which is why the UK and the European Union have taken this ‘bottom up’ or business led approach.

Travel support is also available for UK – based R&D SME’s to attend European events

How can SMEs access Horizon Europe?

Streamlined application procedures, including simpler evaluation criteria based around excellence, implementation and impact, mean that SMEs now have easier access to EU resources and grant funding through the Horizon Europe programme. Phased financial support is available for projects, from concept and feasibility through to market readiness preparation and eventual market launch. Visit the Funding calls page to view the latest open competitions or the FAQs section for more information.

Help and advice on EU funding for SMEs

Given the updating of funding for SMEs (EIC Accelerator) and the SME focus across many of the other calls, the NICP’s are available to help, advise and support applications across all themes.

Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) for SMEs

A European network providing information on European Union programmes and linking businesses and organisations to seek partners for European Union projects (see Enterprise Europe Network).

Sources of EU finance for SME research and innovation projects

  • EIC Accelerator: The EIC Accelerator is a dedicated SME scheme to fill gaps in funding for early stage, high risk research and development. It targets all types of SMEs and provides support across all areas of innovation, science and technology.
  • Eurostars: The Eurostars programme is targeted at innovative SMEs wanting to take part in collaborative research with partners across Europe and associated countries.